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Want to represent our club by wearing Colorado River Corvette Club apparel?  Our Quartermaster Store is the place to find it!  Meet your Quartermaster Team below.  Wearing Club apparel is NOT required of our membership, but when you wear it, it shows you are proud to be a member of the Colorado River Corvette Club!  The ONLY requirement is that IF the logo is used, it MUST be the APPROVED CRCC Logo or you may spell out the name Colorado River Corvette Club.  Club apparel may be purchased "off the rack" at a club meeting or it can be special ordered.  If you purchase clothing on your own and would like it embroidered or "blinged", the Quartermaster team can handle that as well...Just make sure items HAVE NOT been washed before bringing them to the Quartermaster. 


Make sure to check out all the fun CRCC accessories to go with what you are wearing!



Julie McClellan (left), Anita Reese, Quartermaster (middle), and Pat Attl (right).  See them for all of your Club Apparel needs! Our Quartermaster Store is open at all General Meetings held in Bullhead City. However....
Have questions or want to place an order in between meetings
Contact Anita Reese at 1-805-551-0094 or

CRCC Quartermaster Team 2023

Hey CRCC Members...check out some of the new items and "bling" available thru your own Quartermaster Store! Come check us out!  Remember we also have Gift Certificates for any occasion!

Ralph, Steve, Yvonne & Tim model the new season shirts._edited.jpg

Don't Forget to visit our "SALE" Table!

Fabulous selection of Quartermaster aparrel and assessories.JPG

Need some more ideas of Club Apparel you can order-just see your Quartermaster Team!

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